Saturday 31
We had been promised a lift at 11.30 a.m. by Avis car rental to take us to their office in Marmaris to collect our hire car for the week and were slightly embarrassed at how much we had to take with us - including a high chair, changing mat, lilos, etc.and we were so pleased that we were collected as we would never have found the Avis office left to our own devices. It was miles away but fortunately in the direction in which we were eventually heading. Spotted a large supermarket on our way and headed back there to stock up with things for the villa and nappies etc. for Henry.
Arrived at Piynar Villa Hotel in time for lunch before the family arrived. The hotel consists of ten villas, each with it's own pool and two bedrooms, a small kitchen, living room etc. It is quite a small area with a club house for meals etc, quiet high up on the hillside and overlooking Turunc Bay with terrific views Claire & Gordy and the children had one villa and we shared another very close by with Matt & Heather. We had to wait sometime for our villa to be cleaned and were finally able to move in less than half an hour before they all arrived. They had had a good trip although a very early start. Dinner in the club house as all shattered from 4 a.m. start.
Sunday 01 June
Bruce & Matt had to return to Avis to organise an additional driver and because Bruce had left 'secret' things on the boat! But a lovely morning and everyone happy to swim in the pool while they went and returned for lunch with more provisions. The forecast for the whole week was not promising but stayed fine for most of the day. Dinner delivered to C&Gs villa by the hotel restaurant - we had felt uncomfortable the previous evening as hardly any other guests and the children were slightly disturbing the peace.
Monday 02 June
My birthday - 60 today!!
A fine day but in a bit of a rush as a boat trip provided by our tour operator and a 9.30 a.m pick up to take us to Kumlubuk Bay. The boat was big enough for eight adults and we were pleased to have it all to ourselves. We were looked after by the Captain and his first mate, a Turkish girl, who provided us with drinks and a great lunch and took us to two or three bays where we stopped to swim. By the time we had had lunch the wind picked up and we had a bumpy trip out of the bay to head back.
Back in time for tea and birthday cards and lovely presents and then a special dinner organised by Bruce which we ate outside C&Gs villa again. The family pulled out all the stops and had decorated the garden with bunting and balloons and all my cards - have never had so many smuggled here. And before dinner 'the video' - Heather had put together clips sent secretly to her from family and friends and it was brilliant. I started laughing, slightly hysterically, at my niece and her family in Hong Kong and my nephew and his family - all in fancy dress??? - singing Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday and ended up crying and laughing at the same time as there was so many surprises. (Had to watch it all again on Tuesday but managed not to cry quite so much).
Had a fantastic day and so many people to thank but will do that in a more personal format - eventually.
Tuesday 03
A little shopping in Turunc just down the hill but not changed much since Bruce and I were here seven years ago. An overcast day, although very warm, and we relaxed at the villas all day. Decided to eat in the town in the evening and found a great restaurant, family run, who looked after us very well and Henry slept in his car seat.
Wednesday 04
Far too windy to sit by the pool although warm and sunny so we decided to set out on a trip to a bay across the headland to escape the wind - ha! Bruce drove me, Matt, Heather & Effie to a place called Bayir, about half way, where there is a plane tree which is almost 2000 years old and then he went back for the Bighams. Not much going on in the small town square but walked round the tree three times and made a wish which is the tradition. Effie wished for a motorbike. We had told her not to tell her wish as it wouldn't come true but Heather overheard her make it and then she was so disappointed that the motorbike didn't materialise.
Biyar - 2000 year old plane tree and three youngsters |
Matt then took over the driving and the first contingent set off to Sogut where we had been last week with the Pasteiners. It was only 16 kilometres but on a steep mountain road with some very scary hairpin bends - the whole trip began to seem more like a mission and Matt had to return to get the others - we nearly called the whole thing off, especially when we finally got down to Sogut and it was blowing a hooley there too. But Matthew, well known for his love of Grand Prix racing - at least watching it - returned to bring the others and we had a good lunch and managed a couple of hours on the 'beach' and a swim in the sea before the return trip,. We decided to take a taxi as the journey was too tricky to keep going back and forwards - we should have hired a mini bus instead of a car.
Thursday 05
A storm over night and very overcast this morning. Matt & Heather took the car to discover a bit more of the Bozburun peninsula and we set off with the Bighams for a stroll around Marmaris. We had planned to take a dolmus but two full ones trundled past our stop and at least half an hour to wait for another one so as a large taxi went by we hailed that instead and then arranged for him to pick us up later. Perfect. As luck would have it we had no more rain and the sun came out. We enjoyed a stroll along the waterfront and a great lunch out. In the meantime M&G had a good day too and Heather managed to swim under a waterfall.
Dinner by the villa again but M&H had gone shopping for more provisions and we had a BBQ (courtesy of our Cobb from the boat) of kebabs and salad.
Friday 06
Our last day - and a lovely one. Spent the whole day swimming and by the pool and got very excited when Effie (3 years & 8 months old) discarded her arm bands and swam across the width of the pool. Henry loves the water (but actually freezing in the swimming pool) and spent sometime sitting in a 'toy box' filled with warmer water - Matt escaped to our pool to read his book and so everyone was happy.
Saturday 07
The week has flown by and we were sad to leave at around 10 a.m. - the Absaloms and Bighams back to Dalaman Airport and we had to return the car and head back to the boat. Needless to say very warm (31 degrees and no wind) and sunny today after a week of mixed weather. Our plan is to set off on the final stage of this holiday on Monday, when our contract at the marina expires, towards Kos - weather permitting.